Cookie policy

The use of cookies

ElaN Languages uses cookies to make using our site easier and faster. Cookies are small text files that are automatically saved to the memory of your computer in order to facilitate entry to our website and make the navigation faster and more efficient. Cookies on the website enable ElaN Languages to find details you gave us in previous sessions, so that you don't have to enter these each time you visit. A cookie can not be read by a website other than the one who created it, and moreover is unique for every user.

ElaN Languages will only use cookies if you have explicitly agreed to this. Moreover, you always have the option of de-activating cookies when you register personally, by clicking “deactivate”. In that case you log in by entering your username and password. Another way of preventing the use of cookies on your computer is to adjust your browser settings so that it will no longer accept cookies. If you opt to work without cookies, this can have as a result that surfing on the internet will not be as fast or smooth as it could be.

ElaN Languages always has a customised answer for your language question.
Let our language services convince you. Or request a price quote (at no obligation) today.

We are delighted that PassworD is now part of ElaN Languages. Discover the benefits ElaN Languages offers you. wordt elanlanguages
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We are delighted that Translavic is now part of ElaN Languages. Discover the benefits ElaN Languages offers you.

Translavic word nu Elanlanguages
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